(Portfolio Analysis)
Marketing Bullets:
- Fulcrum Resolve is the work horse of our Solution Suite.
- It can process hundreds of thousands of case files at a time, examining the files for potential areas of Fraud, Mismanagement, Documentation Errors, Compliance Audits, etc.
- The results of the analytics can be presented in Summary Reports, Individual Case File Results, or graphical Slice-and-Dice Pivot Patterns that enable users to spot trends or correlations in a very visual format.
- As all the Solutions are capable of doing, Fulcrum Resolve applications can reach out to any third-party data source for incorporating specific data points into the final analysis.
Includes the following Modules/Features:
- Customer Management
- Registration and Approval Process
- Roles and Permissions
- Approved Products and Services
- Vendor Management
- Registration and Approval Process
- Roles and Permissions
- Products/Services Configuration
- Product/Services Pricing
- Order Management
- Order Entry
- Product/Service Ordering Workflow
- Status Updates
- Accounting
- Credit Limits
- Billing
- Online Payments
REST Serices and Technology
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